My Son Is 12 Years Old And Interested in Dungeons And Dragons?

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My son is 12 years old and interested in Dungeons and Dragons. What should I buy him for Christmas?

I don’t know if your son is familiar at all with these types of board games, but there are many approved D&D Adventures for children, I think the most well known of them is D&D for Kids. There’s also D&D For Children. But Wizards of the Coast themselves have a very helpful material to guide us through DMing sessions for kids with amazing tips. Some of their tips are what I would suggest as well. Characters. Avoid the traditional character sheets. Use something that’s much more simplified, if it is their first time playing. Use concepts instead of sheets; see what playstyle t’d like more. The Sneaky Rogue, the Clever Mage, the Brave Fighter, the Mysterious Ranger, or the Divine Healer, for instance. And then make them choose one skill their character is very good at (as if t had a stat of 18 for that skill) so each one of them can have their moment to shine. Puzzles. I don’t have much experience with kids, but I believe t like to solve puzzles, especially in group. Create some puzzles, be it mechanical puzzles, charades or brain teasers in game that the chracters would have to work together to overcome. It could be a simple magic sphynx guarding a dungeon, or the classic two guards where one speaks the truth and the other lies. Combat might be fun, but it is not the most fun we can have on an RPG. Combat. Speking of combat, simplify it. Avoid keeping track of initiatives, HPs,, damage, to hit bonuses, and all that. Make it simple. The Sneaky Rogue or the Mysterious Ranger could always go first because t are fast, or sometimes the Brave Fighter will go first because he’s taken the frontline. As for damage, lesser creatures can die with one blow each, medium creatures with two strikes, and powerful bosses with three to five strikes. The same goes for the characters; make it so that combat is relevant and that death is an ever present threat. Plot. Make it simple for the first time. We all love our year-long campaigns with many nuances and plot twists and all that, but the old cliché is still as fun as ever. A beginning, a development, and a conclusion. A king summons a group of adventurers to rescue a Prince (princess are too cliché, show them that Princes can be fragile too); or t hear rumors of a dangerous dungeon filled with valuable treasures; t could belong to a group of Mercenary Beast Hunters, who roam the Kingdoms in search of powerful aberrations to slay in exchange for reputation, gold and bragging rights. Roleplay. And, last but not least, roleplay. I think this should be the core of the session. Make them play like t’re on a play (ha!), living different lives, or being different people, interacting with many different NPCs - and with each other! This could be a day t will never, ever forget. Hope it helped!

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It has the same elements as playing in an actual world, but it takes on some aspects of internet based play without the need for a dedicated server. If you are looking for a community with a few hundred members and an active (though relatively new) internet presence, then perhaps one way into it that has found a lot of popularity is the Roll20 system. I'm going to skip the rest of the article as this is already going to be a rather long write up, but I want to mention an upcoming project within the D&D Community that is similar to this sort of thing. There is a group in the DC area called the Dark Sun Society. They have been around for years now but seem to be on the upswing at the moment. If you like what you see, be sure to check them out and.